
What Does OfficialUSA Do?

OfficialUSA is an information directory; the website focuses on connections to government resources and links, while consumer records are less prioritized than typical information websites. Like other people search engines, OfficialUSA provides primary consumer data sourced and maintained by a data patron, most commonly BeenVerified. Unlike other people search websites, OfficialUSA's focus is not selling or sharing consumer data.

What Does OfficialUSA Do?
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Despite the name, OfficialUSA is not affiliated with any government entity, Federal or State. However, some information that appears on an OfficialUSA report may be taken from those entities or county clerks offices. OfficialUSA doesn't collect this data but displays it after BeenVerified (or another patron) aggregates it. Consumers should opt out from OfficialUSA, then out of BeenVerified, to remove even more data.

Stipulations for Your OfficialUSA Opt-Out

There are multiple ways to remove information from OfficialUSA; neither requires an account or money. Information is removed from a people search website by making an "opt out" request. Opt out requests ask that a company and its applicable affiliates not share or sell details associated with a consumer. Depending on a consumer's geolocation, state laws may influence the outcome of the request; currently, CA, VA, CO, and CT residents are entitled to a positive result, but their overall rights are unique. These unique elements regard how a data broker or search engine treats an opt out request.

Opt outs are treated as deletion requests, where the immediate data is destroyed upon acceptance; this does not stop other records from generating in the future with the same information. Otherwise, opt outs are treated as suppression requests, where the data is concealed from public searches; new data is still aggregated, but no new records appear from a search. Deletion opt outs require a six-month check-in, while suppression opt outs typically last a year. Consumers must return annually to make data requests as necessary.

Options to Remove Information from OfficialUSA

There are multiple ways to remove information from OfficialUSA, although only two utilize their resources. Consumers wanting OfficialUSA representative assistance with special circumstances must email the support team. Representatives can respond within a few days or up to a month later. Most individuals, however, must use the OfficialUSA online removal tool. The guides below also have a section dedicated to BeenVerified's opt out solutions; these involve an omni form, simultaneously impacting the people and property searches of BeenVerified.

How to Remove My Name from OfficialUSA: Step-by-Step

Email Your Opt-Out Request to the Customer Service Team

Cybersecurity cautious consumers could email their opt out requests. OfficialUSA and BeenVerified utilize website behaviors as a public data-gathering method; users must email their requests to circumvent interacting with them. Send the request from an alternative email to further solidify the separation between your actual information and internet data monitoring. Consumers must send the email to OfficialUSA or BeenVerified, not simultaneously, since BeenVerified does not oversee OfficialUSA data privacy management. Right-click to Copy and Paste the elements below into an email creator, exchanging highlighted areas for authentic details before sending.

Opt-Out with the OfficialUSA Online Removal Tool

Consumers will find a straightforward opt out solution by accessing the OfficialUSA removal tool. Before opening the form, users can collect the URL from the results page following an OfficialUSA search or alter the predictable link.

Other people search websites dedicate singular profile pages to a consumer's data, but OfficialUSA does not. The results page from an OfficialUSA search shows all relative data about the possible consumer. In other words, submitting "John Snow" may result in one or more results pages listing data associated with multiple consumers. Results alternate blue and pink but do not refer to anything.

Opt-Out with the OfficialUSA Online Removal Tool

The URL at the top of the page,, is the link needed for the opt out form. Searching to get the link above may seem trivial; however, if the record does not appear on the site when searched, there's nothing to remove. In cases like this, consumers should jump to BeenVerified's opt out process to eliminate more exposed information. Meanwhile, those continuing the OfficialUSA opt out should open the form in a new tab.

Step One

Submit your name into the space provided, followed by an accessible email. Into the URL area, enter the link provided, exchanging the highlights for the name attached to the information: Add the address associated with the record, then click the blue "Next Step" button.

Step One

Step Two

The following page will show the consumer records from the URL in a condensed format. Select one of the records by clicking the circle on the left of the option, then click the blue "Remove" button.

Step Two

That's it; the page refreshes and displays "Success!" Multiple records can be opted out using this method (up to five). However, consumers must make each request individually. Allow a week to pass before verifying the impact, and up to two for Google and Bing.


Remove Even More Data by Opting-Out with BeenVerified's Forms

BeenVerified influences a significant amount of public consumer data on the internet. It is a data broker with direct ties to databases, allowing it to host services for minor affiliates and partners. BeenVerified's information comes in two types: people search with consumer records and property search with historical information. Each search is a distinct "service" offered by BeenVerified; consumers must opt out of each to remove their information from applicable searches. One method is to access the people search opt out form, complete it, and then complete the property search form. The fastest method is the Omni form, which simultaneously opts out of both searches.

The following passage expounds on the Omni process; for further words on removing information from BeenVerified, refer to our corresponding guide. Alternatively, open the Omni form in a new browser tab.

Step One

Upon the form opening, click the "Request Type" drop-down bar and select the "Do Not Sell My Information" option. This option requests suppressed data from BeenVerified instead of deleting it, which allows another record to appear at any time. Enter a first and last name into the respective spaces before submitting an accessible email address. Enter your age for verification and a residential street, city, state, and zip code. After everything is filled in, click the green "Continue" button.

Step One

Step Two

The following page displays possible records associated with the entered information. Locate the related record from the results and click the attached green "Proceed to Opt Out" button.

Step Two

Step Three

The next page allows consumers to add any other or new information to the opt out list. The system removes the information on the relative record, but users could add details like new phone numbers for suppression. Click the downward arrows to add information. When finished adding information (or not), check the "This is me" box on the left and solve the CAPTCHA puzzle. Click the green "Remove My Info" button to "finish".

Step Three

Step Four

Although the message on the web page says the "request was submitted", there is another step. Refer to the email submitted on the first page. Access the email sent from BeenVerified to find a green button in the message body. Click it to finish the process from the consumer's side. Representatives should respond with judgment in the next few days, but they can take up to a month. Return annually to check the status of the newest record and associated information.

Step Four

After Opting-Out, Return to Verify the Results

Don't take their word at face value; ensure the opt out request is honored by searching for the record after a few days. Before conducting a verification search, clear the browser's data cache history. If it is not clear, the information may appear erroneously. Getting a response from either website may take up to a month. When successful, an opt out will prevent the record from appearing in public searches. It may take two more weeks for the results to be cut from Google's and Bing's searches. This guide is current with the processes of opt out solutions provided by OfficialUSA's and BeenVerified's privacy policy (2023).

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