Lower LLC Breach - December 14, 2021

Date: December, 2021

Lower LLC is a mortgage lending company based out of New Albany, Ohio. Lower was founded in 2018 and labeled itself as "everything you need" for insuring, buying, selling, or saving for a home.

What Was the Breach?

The breach was a leak of personal and identifying information, including names, driver’s license numbers, date of birth, social security numbers, and certain financial information. There are many things an identity thief can do with such information, resulting in fearful customers.

How Did the Breach Occur?

Lower has not yet released the cause of the breach. However, the company’s investigation uncovered suspicious activity in an employee email a few months before the violation occurred. The company has promised more robust security measures would be taken in hopes that this won’t happen again.

When Did This Breach Occur?

This breach was discovered on December 14th, 2021.

Who Does the Breach Impact?

The breach impacts 85,958 Lower customers. These people have their information floating in the dark web, and no way to stop it. However, they can take steps to protect themselves that should be easy to use and apply.

How Many Files Does the Breach Affect?

The breach affected the files of almost 86,000 people. Lower began to send notification letters to all affected customers between February 24th and May 27th, 2022. Turke & Strauss LLP, a data breach law firm, filed a class-action lawsuit with Lower LLC over the breach in June of 2022.

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